1. Stay consistent and extend your high-performing ads.
    • Staff changes at Facebook due to COVID-19 are causing an increased delay in ad approvals, reviews and appeals.
    • To avoid disruption in your ads Facebook recommends “that brands extend the delivery period of their best performing ads, as new campaigns will be subject to a new review.”
  2. Build brand awareness.
    • More consumers at home = more ad impressions for your business at a lower cost per impression(CPM).
      • Lower CPM means you can capture a larger reach with your Facebook and Instagram budget
    • People are actively searching for content – your content should be centered around the value your product or service provides and how customers could benefit from it in the future.
  3. Find new leads and build your email marketing list.
    • Adjust your digital strategy with a Facebook lead ad campaign to:
      • Reach potential new customers
      • Increase signups for newsletters
      • Create an audience to remarket to later
    • Remember when creating your lead generation form, less is more.
      • People are more willing to fill out a form if there are only 2-3 questions
  4. Focus on remarketing campaigns.
    • According to Barilliance, over 75% of shoppers will abandon your site without completing their purchase.
    • Remarketing campaigns allow you to re-engage with website visitors or people who interacted with your Facebook and/or Instagram by offering them incentives such as:
      • Discount Codes
      • Special Offers or Promotions
  5. Try Facebook and Instagram Live.
    • Facebook and Instagram Live videos receive 3x higher engagement than pre-recorded videos.
    • Connect and engage with your customers without being overly pushy on just selling.
    • Answer customer questions in real time.
    • Test video and audio feeds before going live to ensure the equipment is properly working, visually clear and easily understood.

SCOOTER NOTE: In times of uncertainly, it is crucial to look at your business strategically and digital advertising is no different. Shift your objectives to become a resource and outlet for your clients. Now is the time to test social media features such as Facebook and Instagram Live to engage customers one-on-one and reach potential new clients. Click to learn more Facebook & Instagram Strategies.