1. Google provides support for businesses, health workers & organizations as well as governments during the pandemic with an overall commitment of more than $800 million.
    • Google states, “We hope to alleviate some of the costs for small and midsize businesses (SMBs) to stay in touch with their customers.”
  2. Small Business Ad credits.
    • Eligible advertisers will see notifications about available ad credits in their Google Ads accounts over the next few months
    • Credits can be used throughout 2020 on all campaign types and Google Ad platforms including:
      • Google Search
      • Google Display
      • YouTube
  3. Extra Google Grants Allotment.
    • Google is pledging $20 million in ad grants to community financial institutions and Non-profit organizations to run PSAs on relief funds and resources for Small and Medium Businesses
    • According to Google “We are increasing ad grants available to the World Health Organization and other government agencies to provide critical information on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from an initial $25 million to $250 million.”

SCOOTER NOTE: There are many unknowns in regard to the Google Ads credits – how much will a typical business receive, how far will the ad credits go, and will they come in time to make a difference? We suggest signing up for Google Ad alerts so you can stay up to date on the latest news and updates.