We’ve been working with our clients for the last month outlining workplace strategy, writing employee and external customer messaging. We are talking with heads of companies and non-profits throughout the country on health and safety issues.

Here’s a quick outline and some links to get you started with your communications. If you need help, email us or call us.



  1. As you create messaging for your local businesses, for volunteers and larger groups– what protocols need to be put into play? You want to think about everyone you interact with and everyone your employees and|or volunteers interact with.
  2. Some non-profits are suspending donations or controlling the intake of them. Others are suspending volunteer activities and larger meetings.
  3. Some companies are quarantining shipments and actively cleaning anything that comes in from outside their known area.
    You might want to include a social media video message to your customers from the CEO.
  4. Again, communication and preparedness breeds calm. The more you work together with your team and help them prepare, the more effective your efforts will be during this time.
  5. If your CEO isn’t visible or available, you want someone in leadership to be a appointed the lead in this situation. That means, concise and clear communication. Weekly updates are important for you and your staff, clients and volunteers.




NAME OF COMPANY or CEO and Leadership is | are monitoring the COVID-19 situation and we are following the CDC recommendations to mitigate the spread and exposure of the virus. It has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization and as of March 13, 2020, President Trump declared a National State of Emergency in the US.

The health and safety of our team, volunteers, partners and clients (etc.) is | are our number one priority at this time.

We recommend you follow the CDC guidelines for accurate and updated information https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html



Starting today, you should greet each other without physical contact (i.e., A wave instead of a handshake.)



To alleviate your concern or our team’s concern, we have asked our team to stay home if they are not feeling well. We ask that if you are sick, to reschedule your appointment for a later date.

We are committed to keeping you, your family and our team safe during this time.



We have increased the number of times we disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as door handles and countertops. (You could add in protocols here)

No communal food is permitted on premise during this time.

If you have a cleaning company – we suggest increasing the number of times and listing.



Some states have shut down schools, like PA. You can work with individuals on a flex schedule or allow them to work from home during this time.



You may want to limit any outside visitors and quarantine any shipments coming in from COVID-19 Hotspots.

You’ll need restrictions put into place for visitors and have them sign a voucher that they have not traveled to a COVID-19 hot spot, had contact with anyone who has traveled to a COVID-19 hot spot and not knowingly has interacted with someone who has the COVID-19 virus.



We are restricting all non-essential travel and limiting in-person meetings to 5 people.

All non-essential personal travel must be approved by…….

We strongly suggest limiting personal travel. If you are traveling please inform HR prior to your trip or before you come back to work.



We continue to ask anyone who is feeling sick and anyone who has traveled to an area of outbreak in the last two weeks to not come into the salon.

If you think you might be infected, the CDC recommends you call ahead to a healthcare professional (rather than show up in person). Your healthcare professional will work with your state’s public health department and CDC to determine if you need to be tested for COVID-19.

If we learn of an individual who has been in our PLACE OF BUSINESS and has chosen to self-quarantine and has yet to receive instructions from a medical professional, we will inform you and continue with extensive sanitizing efforts. If the case is confirmed by a medical professional, we will follow the protocol above and follow CDC and public health department direction.

We will continue to update our plans as more information becomes available.

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to…..






Also – this because well, it is.